be concerned about one's country and one's people; care for the fate of his nation
Example Sentences:
The moral of " to be energetic and promising , and to make unceasing efforts to improve oneself provides spiritual power for increasing the students " law consciousness ; the spirit of humanism initiated in traditional moral supports rich nutriments for the development of the students " law consciousness ; the thinking of adjustment with " the feudal order of importance or seniority in human relationships " in traditional moral offers behavior guide to the formation of the students " law consciousness ; the opinion of " the integration of justice with profit " proposed in traditional moral strengthens the students " law consciousness with value - judging principle 积极影响表现在:传统道德“以天下为己任,忧国忧民”思想为当代大学生强化法律意识奠定了思想基础; “刚健有为,自强不息”的道德精神为增强当代大学生法律意识提供精神动力;传统道德倡导的人本精神为当代大学生形成法律意识提供了充足养料;传统道德所注重的伦常调节思想为当代大学生养成法律意识指供了行动指南;传统道德推崇的义利统一观为强化当代大学生法律意识提供了价值判断原则。
Based on the analysis of the beauty in nature and youth , the creation of beauty by labor and struggle - the inner connection of true love to the concern with the country and people , this article enables people to have a better understanding of beauty and virtue , to enrich the knowledge of esthetics and improve the moral excellence 摘要通过对返璞归真与青春美,拼搏奋进与劳动创造美忧国忧民与挚爱的美等方面内在联系的分析,提高人们对美和美德的认识,拓宽美学知识,升华美德情操。