[ píngxī ] 1.(风势、纷乱等平静或静止) calm down; quiet down; subside; come to an end 短语和例子 风暴平息了。 the storm has subsided.; the trouble has blown over. 海上风浪平息了。 the sea calmed down. 他的怒气平息了。 his anger has cooled. 一场风波平息了。 the tumult has subsided.2.(用武力平靖) put down (a rebellion, etc.); stamp out; suppress 短语和例子 叛乱在几小时之内就平息下去了。 the revolt was suppressed in a matter of hours. 他们动用了武装部队来平息示威游行。 they used armed forces to break the demonstration.3.[医学] normal breathing