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English translation for "差分方程组"

system of difference equation

Related Translations:
数学方程组:  mathematical system of equations
差分检测:  differential detection
对称差分:  symmetric difference
累差分:  repeated difference
差分装置:  differential attachment
差分检波:  difference detectiondifferential detection
有限差分:  difference; finitefinite differencefinite-difference
差分方程:  difference equationsdifferential equationfinite difference equationfinite-difference equationrecurrence relation
差分编码:  delta encodingdifferential codingdifferential encoding
差分信号:  differential signal
Example Sentences:
1.Previous chapters have dealt with the derivation of systems of difference equations .
2.The solution of homogeneous and linear difference equations with constant coefficient
3.An existence theorem of multiple positive solutions for higher order nonlinear neutral system of difference equations
4.Journal of symbolic computation , 1994 , : 585 - 595 . 16 gao x s , luo y . a characteristic set method for difference polynomial systems . in int
5.A formula to solve the initial value problem of homogeneous linear differential equations with constant coefficients is given and a formula to solve the homogeneous linear difference equations with constant coefficients under certain conditions is derived
6.The numerical models with the wall impulse as initial perturbation of turbulent spots were proposed . the above compact difference systems are used in the several typical flows , such as . the channel , open - channel and boundary layer flows the various complicated boundary conditions satisfying n - s equations are carefully conducted
建立了以壁面脉冲为初始扰动的湍斑数学模型,并将导出的navier - stokes方程的紧致差分方程组应用于槽道、明渠和平板边界层等典型流动,提出了严格满足navier - stokes方程的边界条件。
7.The fourth - order explicit upwind - biased compact difference schemes are used in the spatial discretization of the nonlinear convection terms . these difference schemes can be used in all computational region including the boundary neighborhood , and can overcome the difficulty not adapting simultaneously in the boundary neighborhood for general three - dimensional fourth - order central difference schemes , and improve computational stability a nd resolution . the compact difference equations with high accuracy and resolution for solving the incompressible n - s equations and perturbation equations are composed of these compact difference schemes , and provides an effective numerical method for the investigations of the turbulent spots and coherent structures
文中发展了四阶时间分裂法用于navier - stokes方程及其扰动方程的时间离散;对分裂得出的关于压力的poisson方程和关于速度的helmholtz方程,建立三维耦合四阶紧致迎风差分格式;这些格式适用于包括邻近边界点在内的计算区域,克服了三维各自用四阶中心差分格式离散不适用于边界邻域的困难,并提高了稳定性和分辨率,用这些格式分别组成了数值求解navier - stokes方程及其扰动方程的高精度、高分辨率的紧致差分方程组,为湍斑及湍流相干结构的研究提供了有效的数值方法。
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