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English translation for "对称差分"

symmetric difference

Related Translations:
线性常系数差分方程:  linear constant-coefficient difference equations
对称元素:  symmetry element
超对称:  supersymmetrysusy
对称船:  symmetrical ship
对称折叠:  symmetrical fold
对称回路:  symmetrical circuit
对称比:  cylindricizingsymmetrization
对称模式:  symmetric mode
对称剪裁:  symmetrical cut
对称方程组:  symmetrical equations
Example Sentences:
1.Symmetrical frame difference was used to detect the motion area and a skin - color segmentation algorithm based on bp neural network was used to extract the face candidates . then , a combination of multiple neural networks , each corresponding to a certain range of face orientation , is used for face verification as well as for pose discrimination . experimental results show that the algorithm is robust for human faces under deep - view rotation , and is adaptive to various lighting conditions and different face sizes
Similar Words:
"对称层板" English translation, "对称层理" English translation, "对称层脉" English translation, "对称插值公式" English translation, "对称差" English translation, "对称差分格式" English translation, "对称差运算" English translation, "对称颤振" English translation, "对称成分;对称部分" English translation, "对称成分滤过器" English translation