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English translation for "圣母崇拜"


Related Translations:
圣母大学:  university of notre dame (in)university of notre dame australia
圣母升天:  assumption
圣母颂:  are mariaave maria (a capella)ave marlamary praisesnight on bald mountainave mariaathe holy mother
庄严圣母:  madonna del granduca
圣母医院:  our lady of maryknoll hospital
圣母子:  madonna and child
圣母院:  notre damenotre-dame
圣母山:  notre dame mts
圣母大亨:  fairy godmother tycoon
圣母军:  legion of mary
Example Sentences:
1.Much of the recent increase in marianism in the catholic church , including the call to recognise mary as co - redemptrix , stems from the cult of guadalupe
天主教会的圣母崇拜近年来有大量增长的趋势,包括呼吁把马利亚认定为“同救主” ,是由瓜达卢佩的祭礼所滋生的。
2.Roman catholicism distinguishes three forms of honor : latria , due only to god , and usually translated by the english word adoration ; hyperdulia , accorded only to the blessed virgin mary , usually translated simply as veneration ; and dulia , accorded to the rest of the saints , also usually translated as veneration
罗马天主教把敬意区分成三种形式:专对天主的礼拜,归于唯一的神,通常翻译成英语就是“崇拜” ;圣母崇拜,一致协定只是用于圣母玛丽亚,通常是简单地翻译成尊敬;还有对天使和圣徒的尊崇,是用于其余的圣人,也通常翻译成尊敬。
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