| 1. | Principal presiding officer , labour tribunal 主任审裁官 |
| 2. | The revising officer allowed three of them and dismissed one 审裁官判其中三宗申索得直,而驳回另外一宗。 |
| 3. | Appeals may be lodged with a ro only on grounds specified in the new regulation 有关人士只可根据新规例所订明的理由向审裁官提出上诉。 |
| 4. | Labour tribunal ordinance chapter 25 - appointment of deputy presiding officer of the labour tribunal 劳资审裁处条例(第25章) - -劳资审裁处暂委审裁官的委任 |
| 5. | " the rulings of the ro will be reflected in the final register . " the spokesman added 发言人补充说:审裁官会把有关裁定的结果反映在正式选民登记册内。 |
| 6. | The ro is required under clause 6 to make a ruling on each of the appeals after conducting a hearing 在进行聆讯后,第6条规定审裁官应就每一宗上诉作出判定。 |
| 7. | They were forwarded to the revising officer , a member of the judiciary , for consideration and determination 这些申索转交审裁官(一名司法机构人员)审议和作出决定。 |
| 8. | Small claims tribunal ordinance chapter 338 - resumption of hearing as a deputy adjudicator of the samll claims tribunal 小额钱债审裁处条例(第338章) - -小额钱债审裁处暂委审裁官的委任 |
| 9. | Clause 5 provides that there will be a seven - day period for lodging an appeal and a period of 20 days is allowed for the ro to conduct hearings 第5条规定提出上诉的期间为七天,而审裁官将有20天时间进行聆讯。 |