| 1. | Cases where rc has directed dla to grant legal aid 覆审委员会指示法援署署长提供法律援助 |
| 2. | Housing department engineering specialists review committee 房屋署工程专家覆审小组委员会 |
| 3. | That the justices caiied me in the middie of the night to review a case 司法部半夜打电话给我说要覆审一个案子 |
| 4. | In the event that review finds for a reinstatement , the government shall allow reinstatement ; if reinstatement is impossible , the government shall pay compensation 覆审决定,应回复原状时,政府应即回复原状如不能回复原状者,应予补偿。 |
| 5. | Accredited inspection bodies are subject to half - yearly surveillance visits and two - yearly reassessments . the general accreditation requirements are stated in two booklets 获认可的检验机构须接受每半年一次的监督访问和每两年一次的覆审。 |
| 6. | All articles are peer - reviewed . articles accepted for publication should not be published elsewhere or in any other form without the permission of the editorial board (四)来稿由本学报编辑初审,初审通过后采用双匿名方式送请两位或以上审查人覆审。 |
| 7. | The commissioner of patents may order a reexamination of a patent , and anybody can request one ( for a fee of $ 2 , 800 to $ 8 , 500 ) , but these reexaminations are rarely about bad science 任何人都可以花个2800 ~ 8500美元申请一个专利,专利审查委员也可以要求覆审某个专利,但是因为科学错误而覆审的案例则少得很。 |
| 8. | The energy minister , malcolm wicks , also has a letter on his desk from mr hain , calling for a " clear commitment " in the government ' s energy review to examine the costs and benefits of the severn barrage 能源大臣马尔康?维克斯,也有一封来自海恩的信,要求在政府的能源政策覆审中有明确的交代以检验赛文巨坝的花费与利益。 |
| 9. | Article 16 from the date of the promulgation of the basic communications act up to the date of the establishment of the ncc , with respect to the decisions made by the original competent government agencies in charge of related laws and regulations on communications under the following sub - paragraphs , the incorporated entities and individuals whose rights have been infringed may , within three months of the establishment of the ncc , petition the ncc for review 条自通讯传播基本法施行之日起至本会成立之日前,通讯传播相关法规之原主管机关就下列各款所做之决定,权利受损之法人团体个人,于本会成立起三个月内,得向本会提起覆审。 |
| 10. | Given the sometimes lengthy process involved in updating all the relevant documents , the consulate strongly urges those intending to use the visa to begin the revalidation process as far in advance of their planned departure as possible , but in any case no later than october 签证文件得到覆审后,领事馆职员将通知持有人,还需要增补、更新甚么文件方可取得新的有效签证。鉴于一些相关增补手续费时,美国领事馆促请有关人士尽早开始办理更新签证手续,最迟不得超过十月份。 |