| 1. | These were topics of which she retained details with the utmost accuracy, and reproduced them in excellent pickle of epigrams . 这一切她都如数家珍,清清楚楚,讲起来绘声绘色,谈笑风声。 |
| 2. | I know these streets like the back of my hand . go left 这些街道我如数家珍去左边! |
| 3. | A spokesman for deutsche b ? rse reels off the names of start - up trading platforms that have come and gone 德意志证交所的发言人如数家珍的点出了新近开始运作交易平台的名字,但都是来去匆匆。 |
| 4. | Thus , she kindly allowed me to stay overnight . during the initiation the following day , while enjoying various inner visions , i thought , " wow 一位老居士一听到师父的法号,立刻如数家珍的诉说他们的思念,以及师父以前在那里是如何的勤苦修行谦恭待人。 |
| 5. | U . n . secretary - general ban ki - moon says the challenges facing the world today require dialogue and collective action . he lists the main issues , as he sees them 联合国秘书长潘基文表示全球面临的挑战需要通过对话与集体行动来解决。他列举主要问题如数家珍。 |
| 6. | Ancient and medieval authors knew all about unicorns and salamanders ; not one of them thought it necessary to avoid dogmatic statements about them because he had never seen one of them 古代和中世纪的作家谈起独角兽和火蛇来如数家珍,但他们中没有一个人认为,因为自身从未见过这些东西的任一种而有必要避免对它们作武断的阐述。 |
| 7. | When sun lin handed the key of the club to me , checked the assets and tidied up the posters for the last time , i felt the careful and strict style of microsoft for another time 当孙琳学姐将俱乐部的钥匙交给我的时候,看她如数家珍地清点俱乐部的资产,看她最后一次亲自整理书柜里的海报,我又一次感受到了,这是微软人一贯作风,一丝不苟,精益求精。 |
| 8. | When sun lin handed the key of the club to me , checked the assets and tidied up the posters for the last time , i experienced the careful and strict style of microsoft for another time 当孙琳学姐将俱乐部的钥匙交给我的时候,看她如数家珍地清点俱乐部的资产,看她最后一次亲自整理书柜里的海报,我又一次感受到了,这是微软人一贯作风,一丝不苟,精益求精。 |
| 9. | The tension is both alluring and breathtaking . dubbed " the world ambassador for argentina s national social dance " , miguel angel zotto dares you to join his critically acclaimed dance company tango por dos for their compelling new show tango una leyenda 佐图艺高胆大,以首席舞者和艺术总监的身份带领舞团tango por dos上演探戈传奇,如数家珍地展现探戈的百年旖旎风采,让观众看尽探戈的千娇百媚,也见证阿根廷社会风貌的沧桑变化。 |
| 10. | The tension is both alluring and breathtaking . dubbed " the world ambassador for argentina s national social dance " , miguel angel zotto dares you to join his critically acclaimed dance company tango por dos for their compelling new show tango una leyenda ?佐图艺高胆大,以首席舞者和艺术总监的身份带领舞团tangopordos上演《探戈传奇》 ,如数家珍地展现探戈的百年旖旎风采,让观众看尽探戈的千娇百媚,也见证阿根廷社会风貌的沧桑变化。 |