(be) regardless of (personal) danger; be daring regardless of personal danger; defy personal danger; dash ahead regardless of one's safety; contend so energetically as to forget one's life; (so eager for the safety of others as) to forget about one's own
Italy blazed into a desperate insurrection . 意大利燃起了奋不顾身的起义的熊熊烈火。
Eliza made her desperate retreat across the river just in the dusk of twilight . 伊丽萨奋不顾身地逃过那条河,正是暮色苍茫时分。
I had supposed him long ago in france, with the rest of the heads of that desperate party . 我还以为他跟那一帮人中的奋不顾身的头儿们一样,老早到法国去了。
" single - minded to the point of recklessness . “执着到接近奋不顾身”
He ' d follow the eagle up pluto ' s ass 鹰旗就是他奋不顾身找回来的
General barclay de tolly risked his life everywhere in front of his troops , i can assure you “巴克莱德托利将军处处奋不顾身,身先士卒,跟您说吧。
But just at this moment , the real killer appears and washabi is in danger . . 就在此时, wasabi落入真凶的魔爪,杜奋不顾身赶来营救,却看见让他惊讶的一幕
Zebulun and naphtali were a people that jeoparded their lives unto the death in the high places of the field 西布伦人是敢死的民族;拿弗他利人在田野的高处,奋不顾身。
At the age of twenty , upon hearing a celebrity , i world rush forward , hot - blooded , jumping for joy 二十岁的时候,一听到名人就激动不已,就欢呼雀跃,就奋不顾身往前冲。
At this moment sir francis and the guide seized phileas fogg , who , in an instant of mad generosity , was about to rush upon the pyre 这当儿,福克要奋不顾身地冲上坛去,柯罗马蒂和向导忙用力把他一把拖住。