But we were at sea again, and we had the stars and the ocean to look at, and plenty of room to meditate in . 不过我们又在海上了,有星星和海洋可以欣赏,还可以天南地北地思索一番。
Mike : well , i ' ve been running in six different directions , but i ' m not getting anywhere 麦克:嗯,我老是天南地北瞎忙一阵,可是却一事无成。
I m slim , the shady is really a fake alias to save me with in case i get chased by space aliens 难道只凭他一张嘴就天南地北只凭我一双腿就千山万水
Alchemy , magic , readings , old secrets , new discoveries . a variety of topics , including alchemy , history -由灵异学大师"醉公子"主持的讨论区,天南地北无所不谈。
We are settling our roots down all over the places on earth , as if dandelions are making the whole world their sweet home 天南地北,四处飘洒着我们的跟,就如同那薄公英,四海为家。
They chatted about the journey , and passepartout was especially merry at the idea that fix was going to continue it with them 但是费克斯却喝得很有分寸,他在注意观察路路通。他们天南地北地聊起来了。
In the sun - ny spring , wherever the spring arrives and the spring wind blows to , there will be one spring song after another sung and one spring flower after an - other bloomed 熙春中,无论天南地北,只要是春阳到处,春风所之,都萌生一首首春歌,萌绽一朵朵春花。
There are chinese restaurant , cafeteria and japanese restaurant . whatever you taste in food and entertainment , the hotel ' s superb facilities are bound to satisfy 中餐厅、自助餐厅、日本料理汇集天南地北各种菜系的头牌名菜,无论是品尝美味佳肴,还是感受优质的服务,都会令您流连忘返。