大怒: a tearing ragebatebe spitting feathersblow a fusehave a mad onhit the roofrage v. be very violenttowering ragewith one's hackles up
拍案大怒: strike [pound] the table in anger; slap the table in great anger
霍然大怒: bluster oneself into anger; suddenly grew very angry; suddenly to burst into a fit of temper; one's anger flared up.; burst into a passion; fly into a rage; flare up
伤: Ⅰ名词1.(人体或其他物体受到的损害) wound ; injury 短语和例子刀伤 a knife wound; 冻伤 frostbite; 满身是伤 be covered with cuts and bruises; 轻伤 a slight injury; 烫伤 a scald ; 伤好了。 the wound has healed. 他左胸上有一处枪伤。 he has