hills topple and the earth quakes.; the earth trembled and the mountains swayed
Example Sentences:
He leads an army so massive it shakes the ground with its march 他率领的军队是如此雄壮,所到之处地动山摇。
I emerged from my hill to find the deputation gone , panicked by the ground that shook and roared beneath them 等我从我的山里出来代表团已经走了,是被这地动山摇给吓跑的。
The earth shook and the roof suddenly divided , buildings crashed to the ground and people rushed out into the streets 地震使这里地动山摇,屋顶崩裂,建筑物纷纷倒塌,人们相继逃上街头。
While i sat thus , i found the air over - cast , and grow cloudy , as if it would rain ; soon after that the wind rose by little and little , so that , in less than half an hour , it blew a most dreadful hurricane : the sea was all on a sudden cover d over with foam and froth , the shore was cover d with the breach of the water , the trees were torn up by the roots , and a terrible storm it was ; and this held about three hours , and then began to abate , and in two hours more it was stark calm , and began to rain very hard 我以前从未碰到过地震,也没有听到经历过地震的人谈起过,所以我一时吓得目瞪口呆,魂飞魄散。当时,地动山摇,胃里直想吐,就像晕船一样而那山石崩裂发出震耳欲聋的巨响,把我从呆若木鸡的状态中惊醒过来,我感到胆战心惊。小山若倒下来,压在帐篷上和全部家用物品上,一下子就会把一切都埋起来。