| 1. | To produce the land usage table and land utilisation plan 制订土地利用表和绘制土地利用图; |
| 2. | Update the land usage table and land utilization plan ; and 制订用于监测土地利用变化、更新土地利用表和土地利用图的方法和技术; |
| 3. | Land use map 土地利用图 |
| 4. | The purpose of future updating of lup and lut for the prd region is to detect landuse changes from time to time 更新珠江三角洲地区土地利用图和土地利用表的目的是随时监测土地利用变化。 |
| 5. | To recommend technical solution options to produce a land usage table ( lut ) and land utilisation plan ( lup ) 提出选择性技术解决方案,以便制订土地利用表( landusagetable )和绘制土地利用图( landutilisationplan ) ; |
| 6. | So i t is essential to define the scale , and the corresponding level of detail , of the land use plan . this should be 因此,必须基于现有遥感资料的特性,主要是其空间和光谱解析度,来确定土地利用图的比例尺和细节度。 |
| 7. | These present a challenge to produce up - to - date lup and lut so that the rapid transformation can be tracked with limited resource and time 这样,就为土地利用图和土地利用表更新、利用有限的资源和时间对快速变化进行监测提出了挑战。 |
| 8. | For the final products of lup , the overall accuracy of the classification is 87 . 6 % with a kappa coefficient of 0 . 863 , tested using 2745 samples 作为最终的土地利用图, 2745个样本的测试表明:总体分类精确度达到了87 . 6 % ,卡帕( kappa )系数为0 |
| 9. | As a result , a two - level classification system with 7 level 1 classes and 17 level 2 classes was proposed for the production of lut and lup 因此,为制订土地利用表和绘制土地利用图,我们提出了由7个一级类型和17个二级类型组成的两级制分类系统。 |
| 10. | It has been argued that the auto - classification approach is probably the most practical method to produce lup and lut given available resources and limited time 鉴于现有资源和时间限制,我们强调自动分类方法是绘制订土地利用图和土地利用表的最可行方法。 |