Girls should also add silver eye shadow and step into platform shoes , the magazines advise 查某囡仔嘛应该抹银色眼影参跤踢平底鞋,杂志建议。
The moe responded by saying they did not want to overwhelm students with too many languages ( mandarin , english ) and alphabets 教育部耶反应是讲囡仔若是一声艾学箱侪种语言(华语、英语)及几落套符号,惊耶学袂来。
Today , 580 children were invited by the guiness world record museum to break a world record for standing the most eggs but were unsuccessful 今阿日紧捏思世界纪录博物馆有请五百八十耶囡仔来试欲创新耶纪录毋恪无成功。
It will feature dance and musical performances but the main theme will be color painting , and students of different age groups are also invited to participate 有跳舞嘛有音乐演奏毋恪卡特别耶是以画彩色耶图为主,嘛有请各年纪耶学生囡仔去参加。
Geohiong ( kaohsiung ) ' s department of health found that the blood samples collected from 1000 school students last year show a significantly higher amount of lead than students in the us and japan 高雄市卫生局旧年给一千耶三年仔学生囡仔抽血,发现讲血内面铅耶量比米国及日本耶学生加足? 。
Dailam ( tainan ) county government sponsored a mental reconstruction cruise for 29 children who lost both of their parents to last year ' s devastating quake . the ship arrived in okinawa , japan yesterday 南投县政府替二十九耶旧年地动爸母拢死耶囡仔办一项心理重建耶坐船旅行。昨方船驶到日本冲绳。