| 1. | A new world war is unlikely in the foreseeable future 新的世界大战在可预见的时期内打不起来。 |
| 2. | These are problems that cannot be resolved in the forseeable future 在可预见的将来,这些问题同样并无好转可能。 |
| 3. | It ' s unlikely that we ' ll allow it to go too much faster 在可预见的将来,我们不会允许玩家们提高他们的旅行速度了。 |
| 4. | The claimant will include principals and foreseeable third parties 请求权人除了委托人,还应当包括可预见的第三人。 |
| 5. | Trade growth for the mainland remains robust in the foreseeable quarters 内地的贸易增长在可预见的季度内仍然强劲。 |
| 6. | Quantum computing will be strictly mainframe for the foreseeable future 确切地说,量子运算处理在可预见的未来将会是台大型机。 |
| 7. | The temporary differences are unlikely to be reversed in the excepted future (二)该暂时性差异在可预见的未来很可能不会转回。 |
| 8. | Imported logistics personnel will continue to play a lead role in the foreseeable future 在可预见的的将来,国外物流人员仍将起到先导的作用。 |
| 9. | I n the foreseeable future , the village will boast a new school and a new road 在可预见的未来,这个村庄将以拥有一所新学校和一条新道路而自豪。 |
| 10. | The projections suggest a flattening off and then a slight decline in the foreseeable future 在可预见的未来,人口预期是维持平缓水平然后缓慢下降。 |