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English translation for "勒公式"

euler's formula

Related Translations:
数学公式:  arithmetic formulamathematical formula
公式表示:  formulation
牵引力公式:  formula of tractive effort
剪切公式:  the shear formula
渗透公式:  permeability formula
粗估公式:  rough-and-ready formula
制动公式:  retardation formula
拉普拉斯公式:  laplace formula
命题公式:  propositional formulastatement formula
测量公式:  measure equation
Example Sentences:
1.Improved taylor formula and its numerical simulation
2.With the help of the method , in the process of optimal design , designers can know how various variables affect the object function . however , because of using tailor formula , the information of derivative has to be offered in the traditional analysis of sensitivity
3.In the higher mathematics category , routine methods to work out the proof of an inequation are a flexible use of mathematical knowledge like monotonicity of functions , extremum values , maximum and minimum values , convexity function , medium value theorem , taylor equation , holder inequation , schwarz inequation , and the analysis , formation and transformation of inequation problems as well
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