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English translation for "命题公式"

propositional formula
statement formula

Related Translations:
真值命题:  truth value of proposition
基本命题:  elementary sentence
逻辑命题:  logic propositionlogical proposition
存在命题:  existential proposition
命题常数:  propositional constant
成分命题:  constituent proposition
条件命题:  conditional propositionconditional sentence
分子命题:  molecular proposition
否定命题:  negative proposition
假命题:  false statement; false proposition
Example Sentences:
1.2 . numerais system of propositional calculus nend netwrk deals with data , but it is a formula set in proposihonal calculus
2.Based on paper [ 1 ] and [ 2 ] , this paper gives two generating algorithms to calculate and output the special conjunctive normal forms and special disjunctive forms of given propositional formulas automatically and formally
摘要在文[ 1 ]和文[ 2 ]的基础上,给出了命题逻辑中任一命题公式的主析取范式和主合取范式的自动生成算法,并实现了多个命题公式主范式的同时形式化输出。
3.Using these algorithms , we can use computer mechanically to list truth value table of a group of propositional formulae , determine that if a given propositional formula is a tautology , a contradiction , or if the formula is satisfiable
4.Bassing on the theory of equivalent calculates , this paper utilizes the data structure and c + + program design language , to analyze the logic structure of proposition formula , designs the saving structu - re that use the broad sense menu chained list , and explored to beg for in this foundation how to carry out its basic operation , thus and further clarifying the computer implementation algorithm of the complicated equivalent calculation
本文针对等值演算理论,通过数据结构和c + +程序设计语言,分析了命题公式的逻辑结构,设计出用广义表单链表的存储结构,并在此基础上探讨了如何实现其基本操作,从而进一步阐明了复杂等值演算的计算机实现算法。
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