[ biéshùyīzhì ] set up a new banner; act independently; found a new school of thought; have a style of one's own; hoist separatively a different banner; raise another standard; start [set up] a new school
Example Sentences:
Our car had to be obviously sporty and distinctively styled, with just a dash of nostalgia。 我们的车当然要象跑车,车型要别树一帜,还要有一点怀旧的色彩。
Maybe on your next visit you can stay longer and experience even more facets of asia s world city 或许,下一次您可以多留一会,更深入体验这个亚洲国际都会别树一帜的文化特色!
Is in a class all by itself . this traditional chinese garden is believed to be built in the ming dynasty ; that is more than 400 years ago 在上海自成一角,这个别树一帜的传统中国园林约于明朝时兴建,迄今已有四百多年历史。
We fellow a year in the life of a clan of small dinosaurs , leaellynsaura , and their struggle to survive in this unique environment 同时,为了加强势力,雷利诺龙会努力孕育下一代; ?们求偶、交配、养育子女的方法别树一帜,令你眼界大开。
The public relations and advertising option , one of the five options of the bssc in communication programme , is unique among universities in hong kong 公关及广告专业是浸会大学传理学学士课程五个专业之一,在本港大学中别树一帜,旨在培训廿一世纪的公关及广告专业人才。
We will continue to promote award - winning and outstanding hong kong productions at international trade events so as to build a distinguishable brand for our industry , " she said 政府会继续在国际的展贸活动中推广获奖和出色的本地数码娱乐制作,为业界建立别树一帜的品牌。
This new business growth can be attributed to the continued success of manulife - sinochem s first - to - market profit - sharing product , and its uniquely packaged investment - linked rider and profit - sharing plan 业务取得骄人增长,全因中宏保险率先于市场推出分红产品的销售成绩持续理想,以及投资连系附加保障及分红计划等产品设计别树一帜。