Even the pillow, on this side of the bed, was covered with finer linen than its companion, and it was ornamented with a small ruffle . 靠外边的枕头蒙着精细的亚麻布枕套,镶着细小的花边,与里边的另一只判然有别。
The work you did today is quite a contrast to ( eg noticeably better / worse than ) what you did last week 你今天干的活儿跟你上周干的判然不同(如明显地要好[不如] )
The nature of agriculture , indeed , does not admit of so many subdivisions of labour , nor of so complete a separation of one business from another , as manufactures 农业由于它的性质,不能有象制造业那样细密的分工,各种工作,不能象制造业那样判然分立。
Girls between fourteen and twenty - five of whatever locality usually have a charming accent , but when you see their faces , there is a great difference between the ugly and the beautiful 女子自十四五岁至二十四五岁,此十年中,无论燕秦吴越,其音大都娇媚动人,一睹其貌,则美恶判然矣。耳闻不如目见,于此益信。
If women and men lived notably different lives , and if one or the other was dominant , then we might expect to uncover disparities in diet , with the dominant group having more access to certain foods , such as meat or better joints of meat 要是当时的男男女女过著判然不合的生活,而且,要是某个性别占支配地位,那麽我们应该能够发现证据,显示他们的饮食有所差异,即居支配地位的群体享用某些食物的机会较多,例如,可以吃到较多的肉,或是较好部位的肉。