[ kānbù ] [书面语] announce or make public through printed matter
Example Sentences:
The first part is a review of the research on < the chu bam boose ripts of warring states in shanghai museum > ( 一 , 二 ) , which coparatively entirely gives a brief account of the chu bambooscripts of warring states in shanghai museum about their study , since they were published 本文分为两大部分。第一部分是综述部分,这部分比较全面地概述了《上海博物馆藏战国楚竹书》 (一、二)自从刊布以来的研究情况。
In this paper , it is the first time to publish four pieces fragments of arya - aparmanitayurjnana - nama - mahayana sutra in ancient uygur , discovered in the northern divison of mogaoku cave in dunhuang . based on the transcription in chinese , the author puts forward his opinion on the problems on the edition , the way and the year of the translation of the buddhist sutra 本文首次刊布敦煌莫高窟北区出土的四件回鹘文《大乘无量寿经》残页,对回鹘文原文进行拉丁字母转写、汉译和注释,附汉文原文,并对残页的成书年代、版本和翻译方式等问题提出自己的看法。