| 1. | He wears his officer's cap at an angle, jaunty, and picks his teeth with a sharpened goose quill . 他潇洒地微微歪戴着他那顶军帽子,用一支削尖了的鹅毛管剔着牙齿。 |
| 2. | A burly blond-bearded polish jew in a sort of military cap makes himself the car captain . 一个体格魁伟、金黄色胡子的波兰犹太人,戴的好象是一顶军帽,自告奋勇当了列车长。 |
| 3. | He calls himself the great ahmed khan and wears a hussar ' s shako 他管他自己叫“伟大的艾哈迈德?汗”而且总带着轻骑兵的军帽 |
| 4. | Between some similar figures in similar shakoes behind stood a russian hussar 在这样一些头戴高筒军帽跟在后面奔跑的人中间夹杂着一个俄国骠骑兵。 |
| 5. | He was wearing a white horse - guards cap and a military coat , and a whip on a narrow strap was slung over his shoulder 他穿着军服,肩上挂着细皮条鞭子,戴着一顶白色的近卫重骑兵军帽。 |
| 6. | He had hardly read it before he dropped his feet in worsted stockings on to the earth floor and began putting on his boots 他刚一读完,就把穿着毛袜的两只脚伸到地上,开始穿靴子,拢了拢鬓角,戴上军帽。 |
| 7. | The shako has the plate , cockade and plume at the front , which is fine although earlier these were to the left side 军帽上的羽饰和徽章都在前面,尽管在早期这些装饰都是在侧面的但是模型里这些细节还是表现的很好。 |
| 8. | I saw the soldier s shape and the top of his musket ; that made me draw in my head so quickly , for i was fearful he might also see me . 我看到了一个哨兵的军帽和毛瑟枪的枪管,所以我才赶紧地把头缩回来,我怕他会看见我。 ” |
| 9. | They will help me ! in front of these men ran a single figure in a strange shako and a blue coat , with a swarthy sunburnt face and a hooked nose 有个人在这些人前面跑着,他头戴古怪的高筒军帽,身穿蓝色大衣,长着鹰钩鼻子,黑头发,晒得黝黑。 |
| 10. | Morel , a little , thickset frenchman , with swollen , streaming eyes , was dressed in a womans jacket and had a womans kerchief tied over his forage cap 莫雷尔是一个矮小敦实的法国人,他两眼红肿,流着眼泪,军帽上扎一条女人的头巾,穿一件女人的皮袄。 |