僻: 形容词1.(偏僻) out-of-the-way; secluded 短语和例子荒僻 desolate and out-of-the-way; 僻处一隅 live in a remote corner2.(性情古怪) eccentric 短语和例子孤僻 unsociable and eccentric; 怪僻 eccentric3.(不常见的) rare 短语和例子僻字 a
Thus , he unified the universe and held it up and looked at it , or wandered through its byways and alleys and jungles , not as a terrified traveller in the thick of mysteries seeking an unknown goal , but observing and charting and becoming familiar with all there was to know 杀害情人杠杆支点和烟叶之间寻求联系,像这样把宇宙看作一个整体,捧起来观察,或是在它的僻径小巷或丛莽中漫游。他不是个在种种神秘之间寻找未知目标的心惊胆战的旅客,而是在观察着记载着熟悉着想要知道的一切。