夷: Ⅰ形容词[书面语] (平坦; 平安) smooth; safe 短语和例子化险为夷 turn danger into safety; head off a disasterⅡ动词[书面语]1.(破坏建筑物) raze 短语和例子烧夷弹 incendiary bomb2.(灭掉; 杀尽) exterminate; wipe out 短语和例子夷族 extermination
The stylized production design and the cinematography of the film also set a high standard among the films of its kind . the songs by japanese composer r . hitori are memorable 影片特邀了在日本早已享有盛名的作曲家服部良一撰曲,配合著王天林的纯熟导技费伯夷的精致美术,视听效果美不胜收。