勾勾搭搭: hitch [hobnob; flirt] with ...; have illicit relations with sb. of the opposite sex; mix [team; hitch; gang] up with ...; stoop to secret dealings with ...; work hand in glove with sb.; wo
跟: Ⅰ名词(脚的后部或鞋袜 的后部) heel 短语和例子鞋后跟 the heel of a shoe; 高跟儿鞋 high-heeled shoesⅡ动词1.(在后面紧接着行动) follow 短语和例子跟我学 follow me; 紧跟形势 keep abreast of the current situation; keep pace with the (new) sit
跟上: keep pace with; catch [keep] up with; keep [be] abreast of [with]: 跟上时代的步伐 keep pace with the times; 跟上科学上的最新发展 keep up with the latest development in science; 跟上形势 keep abreast of the cur