[ gēn ] Ⅰ名词 (脚的后部或鞋袜 的后部) heel 短语和例子 鞋后跟 the heel of a shoe; 高跟儿鞋 high-heeled shoesⅡ动词 1.(在后面紧接着行动) follow 短语和例子 跟我学 follow me; 紧跟形势 keep abreast of the current situation; keep pace with the (new) situation; 跟不上功课 cannot catch up with one's lessons; 跟好人, 学好人。keep good men company and you shall be of the number. 我来带路, 你们跟着好了。 i'll lead the way. you just follow.2.(指嫁给某人) be married to 短语和例子 她跟了一个外国人。 she is married to a foreigner.Ⅲ介词 1.(和; 同) with 短语和例子 跟你谈一谈 have a talk with you; 你愿意跟我们去散散步吗? would you like to go for a walk with us?2.(从; 由) from 短语和例子 跟她借了一支铅笔 borrowed a pencil from her3.(向;对) to; towards 短语和例子 老师正在跟班长谈话。 the teacher is talking to the monitor. 快跟大家说说。 tell us all about it.4.(引进比较的对象) as 短语和例子 今天的活儿跟往常一样。 our job today is the same as before.Ⅳ连词 (和) and 短语和例子 他跟他的妻子 he and his wife; 他跟我一样高。 he and i are of the same height