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Home > chinese-english > "他的计划竟然失败了" in English

English translation for "他的计划竟然失败了"

it is a pity that he would have brought his eggs to a bad market

Related Translations:
竟然:  unexpectedly; to one's surprise; actually; go so far as to; go to the length of; have the impudence to 短语和例子竟然不顾事实 go so far as to disregard the facts; 这么简单的问题他竟然没回答上来。 the question was so
竟然做:  go so far as to do
竟然是:  turn out to be prove in the result
竟然不是:  par
竟然是义和团:  the boxers
竟然不顾事实:  go so far as to disregard the facts
你竟然上当了:  l can’t believe you fell for that
竟然有脸或胆敢:  be bold or impudent enough
这一次竟然拨通了:  i take tea allocated to the cell phone numbers this time even telephoned
到这样的程度竟然:  to such an extent that
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