| 1. | Police today ( october 18 ) arrested five men and a woman in an anti - soccer bookmaking operation 警方今日(十月十八)在一项反非法赌波的行动中拘捕五男一女。 |
| 2. | Each team should consist of 5 men and 3 women . 3 men and 2 women will be chosen from the team to compete in the occasion 每队须包括五男三女,其中三男二女会被选出代表该队作赛。 |
| 3. | The arrested persons , aged from 22 to 47 , included five men and seven women and are all two - way permit holders 行动中,警方共拘捕五男七女,年龄介乎二十二至四十七岁,全为持双程证的内地人士。 |
| 4. | Sustaining injuries , five men and two women aged between 21 and 48 including the two drivers were taken to the queen elizabeth hospital for treatment 年龄介乎二十一至四十八岁的五男两女包括两名司机受伤,被送往伊利沙伯医院治理。 |
| 5. | After the impact , the driver of the plb , a 43 - year - old man , and seven passengers comprising five men and two women , aged from 40 to 50 , were injured 事发后,四十三岁小巴男司机,以及车上五男两女,年龄介乎四十至五十岁,均告受伤。 |
| 6. | So far , 35 men and 35 women aged from 17 to 59 were arrested for possession of dangerous drugs and offences under dutiable commodities ordinance and copyright ordinance 至今共有三十五男及三十五女被捕,他们年龄介乎十七至五十九岁,涉嫌触犯应课税品条例、版权条例及藏毒。 |
| 7. | The officers raided eight locations over the territory and arrested five men and a woman , aged between 31 and 49 , in four of the locations for bookmaking - related offences 探员突击搜查全港共八处地点,结果在其中四处拘捕涉嫌参与非法赌波的五男一女,他们年龄介乎三十一至四十九岁。 |
| 8. | Five men and two women , aged between 24 and 31 , who were members of a loco london silver fraud syndicate , were sentenced at the district court today ( november 2 ) for conspiracy to defraud 七名伦敦银骗案集团成员今日(十一月二日)在区域法院因串谋讹骗罪名成立而被判刑,他们包括五男两女,年龄由二十四至三十一岁。 |
| 9. | 21 and 25 june icac investigators arrested 39 suspects from the cmb north point depot and their homes , including 35 men and four women , of whom 23 were cmb staff . all were suspected of conspiring to steal cmb fares 数日内调查人员在中巴北角车厂或涉嫌人家中拘捕三十九人,包括三十五男四女,其中二十三人为中巴职员,怀疑串谋盗窃中巴车资。 |
| 10. | Nine passengers on board the public light bus , including an 11 - year - old boy and five men and three women aged between 23 and 60 , were injured . they were taken to north district hospital and tuen mun hospital respectively for medical treatment 小巴上九名乘客受伤,他们包括一名十一岁男童及年龄介乎二十三至六十岁的五男三女,已分别被送往北区医院及屯门医院治理。 |