| 1. | She cast up her dark eyes to the low ceiling . 她抬起乌黑的眼珠,瞧着矮矮的天花板。 |
| 2. | Her hair's intensely black . 她的头发乌黑乌黑的。 |
| 3. | In her eyes, which were very dark, there was a life . 她那乌黑的眸子闪出的光芒洋溢着一种生命力。 |
| 4. | Her dark eyes were luminous with the feeling that glowed within . 她乌黑的眸子却因心潮起伏而晶莹发亮。 |
| 5. | His hair was prematurely white, but his busy eyebrows were still jet-black . 他的头发已经白了,不过两道浓眉还是乌黑乌黑的。 |
| 6. | She has the same rich, full, dark eyes, with its long lashes . 她有一双同样炯炯有光,滚圆而乌黑的眼睛,上面覆盖着两道长睫毛。 |
| 7. | Poor jem! his raven hair, was that too to have its influence against him ? 可怜的杰姆!连他那乌黑的头发,都会叫人对他发生恶感吗? |
| 8. | The dark bronzes wanted sunlight upon them to bring out their tinge of green . 乌黑的铜器需要阳光的照射,才能显出它们发绿的颜色。 |
| 9. | Diamond necklaces and rings had been beautifully arranged on a background of black velvet . 金刚钻项链和戒指华丽地布置在乌黑的丝绒上。 |
| 10. | She had a beautiful smile and wonderful dark eyes and lovely black hair . 她笑起来特美,一对深色眼珠子动人心弦,尤其可爱的是一头乌黑的发丝。 |