[ jǔrén ] a successful candidate in the imperial examinations at the provincial level in the ming and qing dynasties
Example Sentences:
A short taxi ride will bring you to tai fu tai , a magnificent example of a mid - 19th - century mansion , built by a locally born man who achieved high rank in the service of the chinese emperor 这座公馆由一位清朝举人所建,在这里除可一睹古迹外,也可认识现时新界村落的生活面貌。
It analyzes the shortcomings of the copyright law before amendment caused by the lack of the system of assignment of copyright , and the remaining imperfect areas after amendment 版权能否拍卖是理论界争议较人的问题。作者通过例举人量的版权拍卖实例,及对文稿拍卖可行性的研究,得出
Dai zhen ( 1723 ? 1777 ) , xiuning county native in the qing dynasty , was a successful candidate in the imperial examinations at the provincial level in the reign of qianlong 戴震( 1723 ? 1777 ) :清休宁人,字慎修、东原,乾隆举人,屡考进士不中,后开馆纂修《四库全书》 ,授翰林院庶吉士。
Separated by time and standing at a turning point in the road , it is as if this historic scholar and everyone who walks by are looking back on the past together , and gazing into the future 隔著悠长岁月立在街角转弯处,彷佛昔日的举人和经过的路人,一起回顾前程也望向未来,同时彼此遥遥相望。
It is reported from peking that although the proposed imperial university has been given temporary quarters in the great temple known as the ma wang miao ( horse prince temple ) in peking , which contains some 280 rooms , these quarters are still too limited in view of the large number of doctors , masters of arts , and licentiates who have recently applied for the privilege of matriculating in that institution 据北京方面报道,尽管拟议中的京师大学堂已经得到了北京马王庙这座约有280个房间的大寺庙作为临时校址,但由于近来要到这所学校报名注册的进士、举人和秀才人数太多,所以地方仍显得过于狭窄。