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English translation for "两党的"


Related Translations:
民族团结党:  natioanl unified partynational united partynational unity partyparti de l'unite nationaleparty of national unitypunulusal birlik partisi
先行党:  anticipatory paging
第一党:  the nz first party
开门党:  pati louvri bary
觉醒党:  partai kebangkitan bangsapkb
解放党:  hizb-ut-tahrirnational liberation partypalipehutupeace and liberation partypln
党电容:  tuning capacity
合作党:  co operative partyco-operative partyco_operative party
泰国党:  chart thai partyctthai nation party
大会党:  assembly party
Example Sentences:
1.Progressives of both parties were delighted for brandeis was one of the leading exponents of social and economic reform in the country .
2.A relationship that thrived under eight american presidents of both political parties must have resulted from deeper causes than personal idiosyncrasy .
3.The strategy of containment was accepted by both parties
4.Until recently , this enjoyed bipartisan support in washington
5.Both sides of the aisle
6.The ups and downs of the rival parties furnished subjects for two excellent cartoons
7.Politicians on both sides , he says , have been “ captured ” by the vocal national rifle association ( nra )
他说,两党的政客们都被直言不讳的国家步枪协会所“俘获” 。
8.The senate resolution , sponsored by 62 senators ? including the leaders of both parties ? passed unopposed
参议院的决议在62名参议员? ?包括了两党的领袖? ?的支持、没有对手的情况下通过。
9.He said he recognized that many americans voted to show their displeasure at the lack of progress in iraq
但是他说他相信大多数的美国人和来自两党的领导人都明白“我们不接受失败。 ”
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