what i say goes.; one person alone has the say.; deciding everything by one man's say; one person lays down the law.; practice of “what i say counts”; rule by the voice of one man alone; what one person says goes.: 要搞 “群言堂”, 不搞“一言堂”。 let all have a say, not just one
Example Sentences:
Let all have a say , not just one . 要搞“群言堂”,不搞“一言堂”。
Fourthly , change these conventional teaching patterns such as one - word classroom pattern , knowledge - instilled pattern in the classroom teaching 第四,彻底改变旧有的“一言堂” 、 “填鸭式”课堂教学模式,建立新型的“主体?互动”教学模式。
So we should insist on the teaching style of " combine instruction with practice , with practice base " instead of " cramming method of teaching " or " the teacher saying counts " , as to form the new situation that the students and faculty interact and bring out best of teaching and studying 在教学中坚持“讲练结合,以练为主”这一教学模式,改变了以往“满堂灌” 、 “一言堂”的教学方式,形成了师生互动、教学相长的新局面。
The reform of teaching writing must lay stress on the whole and the process : assigning topics - change the single form into varied ; correcting - put one pens into scores of pens ; commenting - turn " teachers - only " into students speaking ; instructing - make the closing form open 作文教学改革必须重整体、重过程:作文命题? ?变单一型为多样型;作文指导? ?变封闭型为开放型;作文批改? ?变一支笔为几十支笔;作文讲评? ?变“一言堂”为“群言堂” 。