Meditation is a sattvic activity and aims at complete elimination of tamas ( inertia ) and rajas ( motivity ) 冥想是种愉悦的活动, (通过自主神经无为而为的调适)同时彻底消除钝性及激性(倦怠及燥动) 。
Speaker : now , let ` s invite dr tamas ajan , the president of international weightlifting federation , present medals to snatch winners 广播员:现在,请国际举重联合会主席塔马斯.阿让博士为抓举比赛获奖运动员颁奖
Sattva having great amount of energy and little matter , tamas having less energy and big matter , rajas being in between , are basic building blocks of our universe 萨缍拥有大量的能量和少量的物质,愚昧拥有较少能量和大量物质,激质介乎于两者之间,是我们宇宙的基础建筑。
They are the silent spectators of prakrti ( matter or nature ) , which is composed of three gunas ( dispositions ) : satva , rajas and tamas ( steadiness , activity and dullness ) 它们是帕克提(物质或自然)的无声观众,是由三重的根拿斯(部署)组成:萨特瓦,拉杰斯和塔玛斯(坚定性,活跃性和纯度) 。
In hindu tantra , practice is graded into three types , corresponding to three classes of devotees : the animal , i . e . , those in whom the guna , or quality , of tamas ( darkness ) predominates ; the heroic , those in whom the guna of rajas ( activity ) predominates ; and the divine , those in whom sattva ( goodness ) predominates ( see hindu philosophy ) 在印度教坦陀罗,练习被分成三种类型,与三种级别的皈依者相对应:动物,那些在黑暗之中,或者等同于黑暗支配的人;英雄,那些掌握主动支配的人;和神性,那些有良好支配的人(看看印度哲学) 。