adj. (-ier;-iest) 〔俚语〕 1.傻气的;愚蠢的。 2.过于多愁善感的。 3.痴恋的,迷恋的 (on; upon)。 n. 1.傻子。 2.痴情汉。 adv. -ily n. -iness
Example Sentences:
Falling in love with somebody always brings you gentle pain and makes you spoony 喜欢一个人,那种轻微的,象针刺地痛,但偏偏叫人如迟痴如醉的。
And , miss eyre , so much was i flattered by this preference of the gallic sylph for her british gnome , that i installed her in an hotel ; gave her a complete establishment of servants , a carriage , cashmeres , diamonds , dentelles , etc . in short , i began the process of ruining myself in the received style , like any other spoony “爱小姐,这位法国美女竟钟情于一个英国侏儒我简直受宠若惊了,于是我把她安顿在城里的一间房子里,配备了一整套的仆役和马车,送给她山羊绒钻石和花边等等。总之,我像任何一个痴情汉一样,开始按世俗的方式毁灭自己了。