The speech itself was filmed at southwark cathedral in london 女王今年的圣诞演讲是在伦敦的南沃克大教堂录制的。
The case was committed to southwark crown court at a future date and reynolds was remanded in custody 未来这桩案子将移交给南沃克王冠法庭,雷诺尔德还处于关押中。
Nay , that last play was written or being written while his brother edmund lay dying in southwark . best i hope edmund is going to catch it 何况当他写成或者正在撰写这最后一部戏的时候,他的胞弟爱德蒙正奄奄一息地躺在萨瑟克443 。
They had died of carbon monoxide poisoning . they had never seen each other before and had spoken only briefly on the telephone , an inquest in southwark , south london , was told 警方透露,这二人分别是来自利物浦的25岁的克里斯多佛阿斯顿和居住在伦敦西南部的42岁的玛丽亚威廉斯。
Queen elizabeth ii is saluted by trainee firefighters as she arrives to open the new london fire brigade headquarters at southwark on february 21 , 2008 in london , england 2月21日,英国女王伊丽莎白二世来到伦敦南华克区,参观新落成的伦敦消防中心总部。实习消防员在门口向女王敬礼表示欢迎。
Public courses range from master classes in museums to special saturday classes for economically disadvantaged schoolchildren from hackney , southwark and further afield 面向大众的课程多种多样,上自博物馆专家开设的课,下至专为hackneys区和southwark区家庭经济困难的小学生开设的特殊班,等等。
In 2001 , the drawing school launched a project to teach drawing to talented 14 and 15 - year - old students in kensington chelsea and southwark school districts as part of the government s gifted and talented programme 2001年,作为政府名为“天才”计划的一部分,王子绘画学校发起一项教kensington chelsea和southwark区14 15岁青年绘画的活动。
Pardies and rendered into englifh by john harris d . d . london , printed for r . knaplock at the bifhop s head mdccxi , with dedicatory epiftle to his worthy friend charles cox , efquire , member of parliament for the burgh of southwark and having ink calligraphed statement on the flyleaf certifying that the book was the property of michael gallagher , dated this 10th day of may 1822 and requefting the perfon who should find it , if the book should be loft or go aftray , to reftore it to michael gallagher , carpenter , dufery gate , ennifcorthy , county wicklow , the fineft place in the world 内收有致译者之畏友查理考克斯先生萨瑟克自治市所推选出来的下院议员的书信体献辞。衬页上用刚健有力的钢笔字写明:此系迈克尔加拉赫之藏书,日期为一八二二年五月十日,倘若遗失或下落不明,凡发现该书者,恳请将它退还给举世无双之美丽土地威克洛郡恩尼斯科西230达费里门的木工迈克尔加拉赫为荷。