Issues concerning the retroactivity of criminal law 关于刑法溯及力的若干问题探讨
Retroactivity of judicial interpretation of criminal law 论刑法司法解释溯及力的三个问题
Doctrine of retroactivity 溯及既往原则
Chapter three " the legal effect for the modification of the article of corporation " is dealing with the time , retroactivity and effectiveness for the modification of the article of corporation with terms or time affixation 第三章“公司章程变更的法律效力” ,分别阐释了公司章程变更的生效时间、溯及力和附条件、附期限的公司章程变更的效力。
After the criminal law revised newly on october 1 , 1997 comes into force , in the try of the case has been not tried or whose judgment has not been confirmed yet , it will be related the retroactivity of criminal law 我国自1997年10月1同新修订的刑法生效后,在相当长一段时间内,在审理新修订的刑法生效前未经审判或者判决未经确定的案件,都要涉及新旧刑法的选择适用即刑法的溯及力问题。
At present , the research on the retroactivity of criminal law , the field of domestic theory concentrating on more concretes problem in the administration of justice , judging the case as it stands , seldom probe into the criminal law value behind the retroactivity of criminal law , has made the trouble of attending trifles and neglecting essentials , and not solve the problem method from macroscopic 目前,国内理论界在关于刑法的溯及力问题的研究中,多集中于司法中的具体问题,就事论事,很少探究溯及力问题背后的刑法价值取向,犯了舍本逐末的毛病,没有从宏观上探求解决溯及力问题的方法。
In this part , i recommend the retroactivity of criminal law at first ; then explained the relation of legal principle of crime and the retroactivity of criminal law , and pointed out the uniform of the principle afterwards of prohibition in the legal principle of crime and the principle of application of the old law with the exception of a less punishment in the new law ; finally , i analyses the doctrine of observing old laws , the doctrine of observing new laws , the principle of applying the new law with the exception of a lesser punishment in the old law ; and the principle of application of the old law with the exception of a less punishment in the new law ; after analyzing the criminal law basic value of embodiment of each principle one by one and comparing its pluses and minuses , it is the most scientific conclusion to adopt the principle of application of the old law with the exception of a less punishment in the new law 本文分为以下三大部分:第一部分:刑法的溯及力概论。在该部分,笔者首先介绍了刑法的溯及力的概念;然后阐述了罪刑法定原则与刑法溯及力之间的内在联系,指出了罪刑法定原则中的禁止事后法原则与从旧兼从轻原则的协调统一;最后,结合刑法的溯及力上主要的几种适用原则即从旧原则、从新原则、从新兼从轻原则、从旧兼从轻原则;逐一分析各个原则的所体现刑法基本价值,比较其优缺点,最后得出了从旧兼从轻原则是最为科学的结论。第二部分:我国刑法的溯及力。
The second part : the retroactivity of criminal law of my country . the regulation about the retroactivity of criminal law question has gone through a lot of developing stages , after the criminal law that is revised newly issue and implement finally , have confirmed the retroactivity of criminal law clearly ; then author recommend the basic content of the retroactivity of criminal law in our country , and key problems on it , what deserves to be mentioned is , the retroactivity of the complementary norm in blank penal code . starting with establishing the position of complementary norm , the author has put forward one ' s own opinion to scientific settlement ; in the end i study the question on how to hold the typical issue on the 就我国刑法立法的发展分析,有关溯及力问题的规定经历了多个发展阶段,最终在新修订的刑法颁布实施后,明确确定了从旧兼从轻原则;然后笔者介绍了我国刑法溯及力的基本内容,以及一些关键问题,值得一提的是,笔者在对空白刑法中的补充规范的变更及其溯及力问题上,从确立补充规范的地位入手,对科学的解决其溯及力问题提出了自己的见解;最后针对司法实践中遇到的有关如何把握从旧兼从轻原则的典型问题,指出了科学的解决方法。
Explains the relationship between mortgage and the right of mortgagee according to the meaning of the definition under current chinese law and regulations . b . discusses the characteristics of mortgage , including value of mortgage , property right of mortgage , attachment of mortgage , indivisibility of mortgage , retroactivity of mortgage and substitution of mortgage (二)全面论述了抵押权的特性,包括抵押权的价值权性、抵押权的物权性、抵押权的附从性、抵押权的不可分性、抵押权的追及性、抵押权的物上代位性等。
In chapter three , the author concerns himself with the practical problems in the administration of justice . these problems exist in the stages of recognition and resolution . in the first stage , focuses are on the retroactivity of recidivist , the different stipulations about recidivists who have committed a new crime again upon expiration of probationary sentence or during parole 报应立足于已然之罪,累犯因初次犯罪受过刑罚处罚后,又再犯罪,说明其与初犯相比具有更深的主观恶性,对其从严处罚实现了报应的公正;功利立足于未然之罪,累犯重新犯罪而较初犯的人身危险性更大,因而再犯可能较大。