| 1. | A fit of dizziness came over her . 她感到一阵头晕目眩。 |
| 2. | A moment of dizziness came and went. he stood up . 一阵眩晕过后,他终于站了起来。 |
| 3. | The brutality of the thrust gave her the sense of dizziness that follows on a physical blow . 这句尖刻蛮横的讥讽使她感到肉体上受到了迎头痛击似的一阵眩晕。 |
| 4. | Using quick needling to treat 24 patients of dizziness 快速针刺治疗眩晕24例 |
| 5. | Post - stroke dizziness and psychological disturbance 脑卒中后头晕与心理因素的相关性 |
| 6. | Symptoms : fever , eye pain , dizziness and rash 病徵:发烧眼痛虚弱及出红疹 |
| 7. | For 2 or 3 months , dyspnea and dizziness on work 3个月来,一做工就感觉呼吸困难和眩晕。 |
| 8. | Some patients may experience headache , dizziness and fatigue 小部份会有头痛头晕疲倦等。 |
| 9. | She had a spell of dizziness , but soon pulled out of it 她感到一阵头晕,但不一会儿就好了。 |
| 10. | He says if he keeps having his dizziness 他说如果他的晕眩未见改善 |