10 while the buildings of this congregation shall be open to all people to share in its worship , instruction , pastoral care , and fellowship , this congregation rejects all fellowship with organizations , secret or open , which are avowedly religious or which practice forms of religion without confessing faith in the triune god and in jesus christ as the eternal son of god incarnate to be our only savior from sin , and which thus teach salvation by works 本教会教堂对所有敬拜上帝、追求真理、教牧关怀、和团契分享的人们开放,但本教会拒绝那些否认三一真神、否认上帝永生之子耶稣基督道成肉身拯救罪人、否认因信称义的宗教团体和机构使用教堂;无论它是公开宣称的宗教或是在实际运作上带宗教性,也无论它是公开的或是秘密的。