| 1. | He had avowed to himself a choice . 他已经向自己宣告他作出了一种选择。 |
| 2. | This was ricci's avowed goal . 这是Ricci所明确声明的目标。 |
| 3. | I must avow that i am innocent . 我要公开声明我是无罪的。 |
| 4. | The avowed terrorist stood before them . 这个公然以恐怖分子自居的人,站在他们面前。 |
| 5. | Anthony avowed his crime when the policeman began to cross-examine him . 当警察开始盘问安东尼时,他坦承犯了罪。 |
| 6. | When we shift to avowed novels, the turnover of the generations is an astonishing feature . 谈到公认的小说,这几十年出版的数量实在惊人。 |
| 7. | There were novelists of the time, like howells, who avowed that they were "realists" . 当时的小说家如豪威尔斯等人,都信誓旦旦地自称是现实派。 |
| 8. | Their children all avowed that they wouldn't miss of hearing mother's chair for anything in the world . 他们的儿女异口同声地说,他们最思念的就是能听到妈妈的摇椅声。 |
| 9. | He was a more than commonly candid english gentleman in his avowed dislike of the poet's nonsense, verbiage and verse . 他比一般无偏见的英国绅士更加公然地宣称:他讨厌诗人的言之无物、冗词赘语和咬文嚼字。 |