左弓步 meaning in English
parry in left bow stance
the over sway
- Kick with your left heel to 4 oclock , and look at your left hand
左脚向左方上步,脚跟先地,重心前移,成左弓步。 - 1 . shift your weight onto your right foot , turn to the right , and shift your weight back onto your left foot
捶:重心前移,成左弓步,右拳向前打出,左掌附于右手腕处。 - 7 . open your right hand and swing it outside your right leg and then up to the front , until your bent right elbow is just above your right knee , fingers pointing up and palm facing left
双峰贯耳:收腿左手向前摆动,掌心向上,经过膝关节两侧向下落,两手握成空拳,重心前移经过身体两侧向前、弧形摆起,成左弓步。 - Shift your weight onto your tight foot and turn your body to the right , while turning the toes of your left foot in . make an arc with your left hand . 9 . turn to the left , shifting your weight onto your left foot
左搂膝拗步:重心后移,向右转腰,右脚外撇,上步成丁步,摆掌,左手搂膝右手向前推出,同时上左脚成左弓步,右推掌。 - As you turn , circle your right hand toward the right and down . make a fist and move it to your left side , knuckles up . raise your left arm above your head , with the palm titled up