In a town, he thought every second person a decoy, and every third house a place in which seamen would be drugged and murdered . 他认为,市镇上的人呢,倒有一半是拐子,每三户人家,也总有一家是爿会把水手们毒死害死的黑店。
A bottle of local beer cost ten dollars at that clip joint 本地的啤酒在那黑店里卖到十元一瓶。
And for sure there would be some bad quality casino among them 那个说不定其中有质量坏的黑店娱乐场也没办法。
Is this a slaughter house 莫非是一家黑店
I haven ' t even picked a name for this joint and i ' m already getting calls 啧. . . ,我都还没给这家黑店取名呢,就已经接到一大堆电话了。
" stay out of local shops , " warn the tourist guides , many of whom survive off shop commissions . " australians do not like chinese . they will swindle you or ask you to leave . 导游警告说, “不要去澳洲人开的商店,他们不喜欢中国人。他们会宰你或者把你赶出去。 ”其中许多导游靠黑店的回扣过日子。
That , in view of the rising number of cases of mainland tourists being cheated while shopping in hong kong , this council urges the government to adopt active measures to rigorously combat unscrupulous shops ripping off customers and to strengthen the regulation of the tourism industry , in order to restore the confidence of tourists coming to hong kong for shopping , including 打击黑店刘江华议员动议下列议案:鉴于内地旅客来港购物受骗的个案增加,本会促请政府采取积极措施,严厉打击黑店宰客,并加强对旅游业的规管,以重拾旅客来港购物的信心,包括: