Painted desert landscape is uniquely different from other places 色彩鲜丽的沙漠景致是截然不同于其他地方的
When the day is done , cancun offers world - class nightlife and a dazzling array of international restaurants and high - tech dance clubs 那样的色泽,只有上帝手中的调色盘才有吧从清澈的浅蓝碧绿,渐层为鲜丽的祖母
The lines and grains of pear offer bright and shine effect after decoration of house . it is always the wonderful material for decoration 材质精细。纹路细腻,色泽亮丽,呈现夺眼鲜丽效果。为装饰不可多得的材料。
It was small , but decent and tidy . she took off her things , and made him do the same . she was lovely in the soft first flush of her pregnancy 她把自己的衣裳脱了,叫他也把他的脱了,初期怀孕中的温软鲜丽的她,是动人的。
These are just a few of the diamond attractions of qinghai province , the qutan monastery , bichan daoist temple , great donguan mosque , and other scenic spots and historical sites still await you to explore 被当地人称为"唐卡"的民族绘画,画工细腻,线条流畅,色彩对比强烈,所绘的佛像人物花卉形像人物花卉形像逼真,造型独特,涂色鲜丽,是不可多得的艺术珍品。
The work was accomplished with much manpower and many transportation vehicles , as well as limitless stamina and perseverance on the part of the initiates . the five tiers of the lecture platform were decorated with many green , leafy trees and plants bearing flowers of resplendent colors . some of the trees were so big and tall that they required a lifting machine and half a dozen strong initiates to place them on the stage 例如:讲经台之布置是由众多翠绿的树木鲜丽的花草所组成,光是一棵大树,就须用堆高机和五六位男众合力将其抬上讲经台台上五大层阶梯布置满满的彩色花卉及上千盆植栽还有场内几千个加放的椅子的安排数百位接待人员合唱团表演人员的定位彩排等等,都是极为浩大的工程!
The results are : " the house of the master " won by largest number of votes . it has become the favorite of the majority because of its unique stylish design and brilliant colors . but even more attractive is its title that invokes the intense aspirations of fellow practitioners to accomplish their spiritual cultivation and return to the " the house of the master " as soon as possible 票选活动在星期日中午截止,开票结果师父的家以高票荣膺第一名,受锺爱的原因,除了造型清新色彩鲜丽外,它的名称更让同修深感亲切温馨,渴望修行早日证果,返回师父的家。
Handing down from generation to generation , almost every man here inherits the occupation as an artisan . these are just a few of the diamond attractions of qinghai province , the qutan monastery , bichan daoist temple , great donguan mosque , and other scenic spots and historical sites still await you to explore 被当地人称为"唐卡"的民族绘画,画工细腻,线条流畅,色彩对比强烈,所绘的佛像人物花卉形像人物花卉形像逼真,造型独特,涂色鲜丽,是不可多得的艺术珍品。