coming in succession; enter in single file; file in
Example Sentences:
As the procession filed in, comments were audible . 当人们鱼贯而入时就议论开了。
Twelve men entered one by one . 十二个人鱼贯而入。
The boys trailed in gradually, frank bringing up the rear with an armload of wood . 男孩子按顺序鱼贯而入,费兰克抱着一捆柴走在最后。
Women kept entering in quick procession , and each , in passing , craned upward so as to overtop the saucers raised on the counter and kissed laure on the mouth with tender familiarity , while the monstrous creature tried , with tears in her eyes , to divide her attentions among them in such a way as to make no one jealous 女客们鱼贯而入,她们踮起脚尖,从柜台上的茶托上面探过身子,亲切而温存地吻一下洛尔的嘴巴。而洛尔这个怪物,眼睛里湿润润的,对待每个人都很热情,尽量不让有人产生嫉妒心。