I rang my father up in a state of great excitement . 我怀着一种高度兴奋的心情给我父亲打了电话。
Now he has finally succumbed to buy - to - let fever 现在他已经沉溺于买房出租的高度兴奋中。
My adrenaline16 was still pumping as i slid off the horse and was surrounded by my cheering family 待我下马后被欢呼的家人团团围住时,我还沉浸在高度兴奋中。
The excitability of muscles and nerve endings are increased when there are low blood calcium and magnesium levels which cause muscle cramping 当血液中钙、镁含量过低时可能刺激到神经末梢和肌肉并使其高度兴奋,从而造成抽筋。