Communicates accident prevention information to all employees under his or her control and takes steps to verify that the information is understood 向他或她的员工沟通事故预防信息,并采取骓信息得到理解的措施。
One was in a black uniform with a white plume , on a chestnut english thoroughbred , the other in a white uniform on a black horse 一人身穿黑制服,头上露出白帽缨,骑在一匹英国式的枣红马背上,另一人身穿白制服,骑着一匹乌骓。
The emperor francis , a rosy , long - faced young man , sat excessively erect on his handsome sable horse , casting deliberate and anxious looks around him 费朗茨皇帝是个长脸的面颊绯红的青年,身子挺直地骑着一匹标致的乌骓。他忧虑地从容不迫地向四周环顾。
Andria earned some success as a minotaur gladiator due to her wiry strength and great cunning , but she knew she would soon perish to one of the larger , bulkier males 作为一个牛头怪角斗士,安骓亚凭借其金属丝般的力量和极端的诡诈赢得过一些胜利,但她知道自己很快就会被某个更加强大的男性杀死。
Ensign mironov ducked at the passing of each cannon ball . on the left flank , rostov on his rooka handsome beast , in spite of his unsound legshad the happy air of a schoolboy called up before a large audience for an examination in which he is confident that he will distinguish himself 罗斯托夫骑着他那匹有点跛腿的良骓“白嘴鸦” ,站在左翼,露出走运的样子,就像一个小学生被喊到一群人面前应试,并且相信自己会取得优异成绩似的。
The tsars horse reared at the unexpected sound . this horse , who had carried the tsar at reviews in russia , bore his rider here on the field of austerlitz , patiently enduring the heedless blows of his left foot , and pricked up his ears at the sound of shots as he had done on the review ground with no comprehension of the significance of these sounds , nor of the nearness of the raven horse of emperor francis , nor of all that was said and thought and felt that day by the man who rode upon his back 这匹早在俄国就驮着国王检阅的御马,在奥斯特利茨这个战场上忍受着国王用左脚心不在焉的踢蹬,如同在玛斯广场一样,它听见射击声就竖起耳朵,它既不明了它所听见的射击声的涵义,也不明了弗朗茨皇帝乘坐的乌骓与它相邻的涵义,也不明了骑者是日所说的话语所想的事题所感觉到的一切的涵义。
But what are you about ? the squadron cant advance ! roared vaska denisov , viciously showing his white teeth , and spurring his handsome , raven thoroughbred bedouin , which , twitching its ears at the bayonets against which it pricked itself , snorting and shooting froth from its bit , tramped with metallic clang on the boards of the bridge , and seemed ready to leap over the railings , if its rider would let it “骑兵连没法子走过去, ”瓦西卡杰尼索夫恶狠狠地露出洁白的牙,用马刺刺着那匹好看的乌骓贝杜英,高声喊道,那匹乌骓碰到刺刀尖,抖动着耳朵,打着响鼻,从马嚼子上喷出白沫,铃铛丁零丁零地响着,马蹄子踩着桥板,发出咚咚的声音,假如骑马的人允许,它似乎准备跨过桥栏杆跳下去。
He was only rather redder in the face than usual , and tossing back his shaggy head , as birds do when they drink , his little legs mercilessly driving the spurs into his good horse bedouin , he galloped to the other flank of the squadron , looking as though he were falling backwards in the saddle , and shouted in a husky voice to the men to look to their pistols 他满面通红,不过较诸于平日显得更红。他像小鸟喝水时一样,仰起他那头发蓬乱的头,两条细腿使劲地用马刺刺着那匹良骓贝杜英的两肋,他那身子俨像要向后跌倒似的,骑着马儿向连队的另一翼疾驰而去他开始用他嘶哑的嗓门叫喊,要大家检查手枪。