[ hàirán ] struck dumb with amazement; gasping with astonishment; shockingly
Example Sentences:
This was a shock to him . 这使他骇然。
"and you married a christian minister to a heathen?" abner asked, aghast . “你把一个基督牧师同野蛮人结成了夫妇?”艾布纳骇然问道。
This rather bloodcurdling recital, delivered with the usual achesonian aplomb, startled the british . 这种颇有点令人毛骨悚然的议论,以艾奇逊式一贯的沉着自若的腔调发表出来,使英国人为之骇然。
Pinocchio tried to go and open the door , but , to his horror , he could not move 皮诺奇想要去开门,但令他骇然的是,他竟不能动了!
" and you married a christian minister to a heathen ? " abner asked , aghast “你把一个基督牧师同野蛮人结成了夫妇? ”艾布纳骇然问道。
Slowly , she looked up and , to her horror , saw several women ' s bodies hanging from the ceiling 缓缓地,她抬头向上望,骇然地看到几具女人的尸体挂在天花板上!
He was appalled by his own grossness , awed by her clear innocence , and he gazed again at her across the gulf 他为自己的粗野感到骇然,对她的纯净无邪肃然起敬。又隔着鸿沟注视着她。矫断了。
But to her horror , she realized she had been sold to a chinese farmer in need of a wife to work on his farm in shandong province in eastern china 不过,让她骇然的是,她后来才明白自己被卖给了一个中国农民,后者需要一个老婆在其位于华东山东省的农田里干农活。
That providence , however , had put it into the heart of a person who was beyond fear and beyond reproach , to ferret out the nature of the prisoner ' s schemes , and , struck with horror , to disclose them to his majesty ' s chief secretary of state and most honourable privy council 所幸上帝昭示了一个人,使他不惧艰险,不畏非难,了解到该犯阴谋的性质,为此感到骇然,便向国王陛下的国务总监和最光辉的枢密院进行了揭发。
That providence , however , had put it into the heart of a person who was beyond fear and beyond reproach , to ferret out the nature of the prisoner s schemes , and , struck with horror , to disclose them to his majesty s chief secretary of state and most honourable privy council 所幸上帝昭示了一个人,使他不惧艰险,不畏非难,了解到该犯阴谋的性质,为此感到骇然,便向国王陛下的国务总监和最光辉的枢密院进行了揭发。这位爱国志士即将出庭作证。