We work together in harness for the president . 我们都是总统的马前卒。
The prime minister was a mere tool in the hands of the country ' s president 那个总理只不过是该国总统的马前卒
Reformer business yang , historian minister change , poetic qu yuan , zou rong of the pawn in su shi , wen tianxiang , revolution army , it is delegate character 改革家商鞅、史学家司马迁,诗人屈原,苏轼、文天祥、革命军中马前卒邹容等,都是代表人物。
With every escalation of tension in u . s . - soviet relations , soviet doubts mounted as to whether finland was drawing too closely to the west , prompting increased pressure to keep it in place ; whereas the west tended to look upon findland as a mere soviet pawn which had to be warily scrutinized 每次美苏关系一紧张,苏联就会怀疑芬兰与西方世界走得太近,而欲加深对芬兰的控制,而西方世界则认为芬兰是苏联的马前卒,在心态上始终提防。
The china helicopter research and development institute is the only professional scientific research organization for helicopters design , research and experiment . it is the leader of the chinas helicopter development in this industry . the xbrothers security and facility control system has been applied in its computer room 中国直升机设计研究所是我国唯一一家专门从事直升机设计研究试验工作的综合性大型科研单位,在新型号和改进改型设计新技术攻关先进技术预研项目中,充当着中国直升机工业阵营中的“革命军中马前卒” 。