| 1. | Some captains were more cautious than others, and the pilots had different ways . 有些船长特别谨慎,领港员们也各人有各人的做法。 |
| 2. | A young man, with vigilant eye, watched every motion of the ship, and repeated each direction of the pilot . 有一个青年用他那敏锐的眼光注视着船的每一个动作,并复述领港的命令。 |
| 3. | The pilot will take this ship into the harbour 领港员将把这一只船领进港内。 |
| 4. | Pilotage advisory committee , marine department 海事处领港事务谘询委员会 |
| 5. | Pilotage dues amendment no . 2 order 1999 1999年领港费用修订第2号令 |
| 6. | Pilotage dues amendment order 2005 2005年领港费用修订令 |
| 7. | Pilotage dues amendment order 2002 2002年领港费用修订令 |
| 8. | Pilotage amendment order 1998 1998年领港修订令 |
| 9. | Pilotage amendment order 2002 l . n . 234 of 2002 commencement notice 2003 2002年领港费用修订令2002年第234号法律公告2003年生效日期公告 |
| 10. | The service has 90 licensed pilots and is available around the clock throughout the year 该会有90名持有执照的领港员,提供全年365天、每天24小时不间断的领航服务。 |