Germany is now demanding a re - division of borders and claiming different territories for itself 德国现在要求重新划分领土,为自己提出了不同的领土要求。
We have sought no territory and we have imposed our will on none . we have asked for no privileges we would not extend to others 我们从没有领土要求,也从不把自己的意志强加于人。凡我们不想给予他人的特权,我们从不索取。
It no longer routinely provokes its southern neighbours by flexing naval muscles around the sand - and - coral specks in the south china sea where six countries ' claims overlap 对于有6个国家的领土要求重叠、位于南中国海、由沙子和珊瑚构成的岛礁,它不再像过去那样通过炫耀海军力量来挑衅南部邻国。