In studying the different methods of indicating the pronunciation of a chinese character by using two other characters between s . 2055 and other dictionaries of rhyming words , the author found what showed in s . 2055 might be some characteristics in oral language at that time , e . g . the voiced sound and voiceless sound use same initial consonant for the voiced sound had been voiceless ; there was misuse for the initial consonant between the group of zhi and the group of zhao 摘要本文通过研究s . 2055与其他韵书不同反切,认为所反映的可能是当时口语的一些特点:浊音声母与清音有混用,浊音已经清化了;知组声母与照组包括二等与三等有相混的现象;东冬钟归字混乱,三部不分;支脂之三韵也有交涉;微韵“蕲”存在之韵的又音; “解”字有平声一读。
The study does not only lay solid foundation for the further study on the history of phonetics in song dynasty , but also provide data for the study of the historic books and events in the song dynasty and correct the misunderstanding of the value of " libu yunlue " of previous researches conducted by other scholars 通过钩稽排比,选取其中颇具价值者,成此一编,可为深入研究《礼部韵略》奠定较为坚实的基础,也可为宋代韵书史、音韵学史乃至宋代科举史的研究提供一份切实可信的资料,并以此匡正前人对《礼部韵略》学术价值的偏颇认识。