Make sure their mouth are not so open in case that they lose and make you tired 5鞋口不要太开,否则穿着时会感觉要脱落,并且容易疲劳。
Low - uppered shoe should have their mouthes at least a finger below the ankle ; otherwise covering it to avoid rubbing 一般短统的鞋口至少在脚踝骨下方约一个手指处。
High speed impact hammer is used to heat and hammer the seams of the upper and vamp and the edge of welt so as to eliminate the concave and convex and to flatten the edgefold with uneven thickness 采用高速冲击锤头对皮鞋的鞋面鞋帮的接缝、鞋口的边缘进行加温锤击,使凹凸不平、厚薄不均的折边整平。